Sunday, January 24, 2021

Youth Fireside Talk by Tyler given on 1/24/21

I have been asked to talk about a physical goal of mine.  Running has always been enjoyable for me ever since I was really little.  

Over the last couple of years, I have found that running races makes my daily training worth it.  Sometimes I train so hard that I get injured.  My running coach helps me know what to do specifically to get better.  

Even though I am not able to train in a group like I'd prefer, I am still training alone.  Fortunately, Covid has not prevented me from running races.  As a gift for my 12th birthday, my mom surprised me with a large runners medal display board.  I really like that it is a visual representation of my progress over the years.  Another tool that motivates me is my Garmin watch.  My watch tracks my mileage and many other things.  

I have had the opportunity to attend several local high school cross country meets this fall.  It is fun for me to cheer on my older friends in their races.  I can't wait to join them once I am in high school.  I am planning on training with a high school team this summer, since I'll finally be old enough.  

Having a physical goal makes me grateful for the health and strength that I have been blessed with.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  

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