Thursday, August 09, 2012

I've been busy with...

my kids.

- We've made our own hungry caterpillars and then ate them up!  
We made these cute little caterpillars by skewering green grapes 
and adding vanilla frosting and chocolate chips for the eyes.

- I'm proud of myself when I make myself sit down in the middle of the day, have my kids snuggle up,  and we take turns reading.  We're especially enjoying these library books: "Curious George Goes to Jail," "Ants in Her Pants," and "The Bearenstien Bears and the Mystery of the Missing Watermelon Money."  Tyler doesn't read yet, but he's so familiar with the books that he has some of the lines memorized.  We were late in signing up for our library's summer reading program, but we'll still read lots so the kids can earn some rewards.

-Katie loves to take a walk with me around the block after dinner.  Here she is tromping through neighbors' yards.  Whoops!

IMG 1353 from Lisa Ward on Vimeo.

- This particular day was a super hot.  We took snacks to munch on.

IMG 1521 from Lisa Ward on Vimeo.

- Sometimes we pack up bikes, scooters, and soccer balls in the van and park at a random elementary schools to play.  On this day, Tyler was learning how to make a soccer goal.

IMG 1520 from Lisa Ward on Vimeo.

- The boys begged me to let them help these other random kids to build a dam in this stream.

IMG 1377 from Lisa Ward on Vimeo.

- And here's Katie just chillin' in her stroller watching her brothers play in the stream.
IMG 1378 from Lisa Ward on Vimeo.

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