Saturday, February 26, 2011

Katie - 9 months

Katie is 9 months old!  Yesterday she had her check up with the doctor.  Katie now weighs 17 lbs. 12 oz. and is 27.5 inches tall. She didn't have to get any shots, which is nice. Here's Katie sporting her ponytail and her favorite jammies:
Katie is a pretty spoiled baby.  There's a few things Katie isn't doing yet that I think she should be doing at this age... crawling, holding up her own bottle, picking up her own veggie/fruit puffs or Cheerios and putting them into her mouth.  But with a mommy, a daddy, and two big brothers who want to be " little helpers," Katie is very well taken care of.  
Let's see, at 9 months old, Katie does roll all over the room, she loves playing on the floor, she can sit up, and she's ticklish under her chin and by her ears.  I get the best laugh out of her though when I give her chubby little thighs a surprise squeeze. We sure love our Katie girl!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Oh my goodness...she is just precious! I love her little ponytail. So fun! I can't believe how big she is getting. She is adorable! Looks like a fun valentines day too!