Saturday, February 26, 2011

A few weeks ago I went on a date with Another Man...

but don't worry...

he's a little man, who is 6 years old, and he is MY BOY!

We just had to take pictures in front of this sign:

 Pretty fitting sign for my kids, eh?

Then we ventured over to Hobby Lobby.  Brian bought some Superman valentines for his classmates.  I also bought him a red canvas tote bag and some Tulip paint to decorate the bag with.  Brian chose McDonald's for lunch.  We ate in the play area and then played.  I timed Brian to see how fast he could make it through the "obstacle course."  The quickest time he got was 23 seconds.  No date is complete without a quick stop to Walmart.  We picked up some baby formula and diapers.  Brian then started begging me for a watch.  We took a look and Brian LOVED the Spiderman watch.  I caved and bought him the watch.  I told him that the watch was an 
early birthday present.
We had fun decorating his red tote bag.  He takes this bag to church.

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