Tuesday, January 14, 2014

CKMs - January 2014

She gets her big red lips from me :)
Oh, you know, we're just flashing the most perfect smiles for Mom.
BFFs watching cartoons
The 3 Muskateers
This is what happens when I leave the room for 1.5 seconds. 
She has Tyler to thank for this strength training exercise.
Just missing Brian.
I'm quickly learning that I can't leave this boy alone with his baby sis! 
Although I must say that I just adore my easy going, go with the flow baby!

No binkie needed for this girl!

Snuggling before bed.
Earned his Wolf badge, 2 beads, and 2 arrow points! #motivatedcubscout
If school had an award for The Most Dedicated Student, it would go to my oldest son. Every day, he can be found in this position as I pull up in the carpool lane. It makes me smirk.  #shouldibeproudorembarassed#hejuatwantshishomeworkdoneasquicklyaspossible
Time to get up, go home, and finish my math worksheet.

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