Thursday, March 21, 2013

Katie's Only Wish

In a world where big brothers rule...
this girl's only wish
is to be a big sister.
When Katie cares for her baby doll, she just
images what holding a real baby would be like...
a baby that would live in her house,
a baby that she could hold 
  and bond with
 and love.
  Katie's wish 
to be a big sister 
will come true
around September 15, 2013!!!
Me and baby #4 @ 13 weeks
My growing belly tells me that we're gonna need to add another picture to this wall!
To announce this pregnancy to my parents, we had Katie give them this card.  It says,  "Dear Grandma and Grandpa, I'm a big sister in training!!! Boot camp will be completed around September 15, 2013!  Love, Katie"  
And this video shows how we told our kids the big news last night:

We can't wait until we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl!
The big gender reveal day will be in mid April!
We're all SO EXCITED!!!


Ivy said...

Congratulations Lisa! I am so excited for you guys and that Katie wish is coming true. :)

rachel said...

Congratulations Lisa! Four is so much fun;)

Kristy E.B. said...

Hooray!! Congrats for you guys. I've been wondering if you'd be having another baby around the same time as me since ours are all so close together. Katie will be a cute big sister.

Whitney said...

Congratulations!! It looks like the baby will be on good hands!