On February 15th, Grandma Hallstrom turned 80 years old! My little family and I invited Grandma over for her birthday celebration. It was fun to decorate for the occasion. I baked my mom's version of homemade mac & cheese, ham, mashed potatoes, and applesauce. Later on we enjoyed eating our chocolate cupcakes and mint chocolate chip ice cream.
It is so fun to live about 3 miles from Grandma Hallstrom. She is so great and is always happy to see us. My kids love having her babysit every now and then. I hope I am as fun as she is when I grow up.
I had my extended family help me out in creating a surprise gift for Grandma Hallstrom. My family sent me pictures, birthday wishes, and memories of Grandma. I printed off their contributions and created a scrapbook of memories. I had fun creating this gift. The scrapbook is titled, "Your Family has been Buzzing Over You." There are little stickers of busy little bees scattered all over the front page. Here's a video of Grandma opening up her gift:Grandma Hallstrom's 80th Birthday Gift from Lisa Ward on Vimeo.
Here's the letter I wrote for her family scrapbook:
Dear Grandma Hallstrom,
Happy 80th Birthday! You are one of the best ladies I’ve ever met. You are so kind to everyone and you just plain love life. I’m proud to be your granddaughter. I’ve always been told that the artistic side of me came from you. You and I share so many of the same interests, especially our interest in bringing our family closer together. I’d say we’ve been quite successful by the scrapbooks, blogs, pictures, and letters we’ve created and exchanged over the years.
I didn’t know you so well when I was younger. My family grew up on the other side of the country. I think it was great that my dad would call you and Grandpa up every once and awhile and have each of us kids take turns speaking to you two on the phone. I remember the time you and Grandpa surprised all the kids in my family when you drove out to New York for a visit. You two made it to our house late at night. I remember waking up in the following morning wondering where my pillow had gone. To my utter surprise, you and Grandpa were in our living room fast asleep on the hide-a-bed! I was in first grade. I remember you curling all the girls’ hair with sponge curlers. Because of Emily’s already naturally wavy hair, her hair turned out “better” than mine. I was completely jealous of Emily’s hair. I also remember you reading stories to us and asking each of us specific questions about school and our friends. About 4 years after that trip, you and Grandpa drove out to New York for another visit. The highlight of this visit was when you and Grandpa borrowed my parents’ minivan and took all the kids to the Church sites in Palmyra. Grandpa had all of us tromping through the forest on the Hill Cumorah looking for “the big rock” that Joseph Smith lifted up and found the golden plates. Grandpa spotted “the big rock” and had us all so excited. I also remember laying on my side in the grass on the tiptop of the Hill Cumorah and rolling all the way down. I got going so fast and laughed so hard. Oh, and there was the time that you took us kids on a walk on the dirt road by our house. It was a little windy that day. You told us to be quiet and listen. If we listened hard enough, we could hear the Spirit. You’ve taught me so much over the years.
Less than two weeks after graduating high school, I was on a plane with my Dad to Salt Lake City. We arrived late in the evening and rented a little white car, picked up Amy in Provo, and drove north to your home in Providence, Utah. We spent the night and you fed us breakfast the next morning. I remember you serving me a bowl of cantaloupe that I wasn’t too excited about. My dad gave me “the look” that I should just eat the cantaloupe, but I just couldn’t do it. My dad finally said, “Mom, Lisa doesn’t like cantaloupe.” You laughed and then recounted the story of my dad not wanting to eat his bowl of peas that his grandma served him. While attending BYU-Idaho, I made trips to Utah every couple months for a visit. I had fun getting to know you, Grandpa, and Uncle Calvin better. A good memory I have was when my dad was out west for a business conference and he was able to spend Thanksgiving at your home in Logan along with his four oldest kids, all of which were in college. It was neat to all be together that day. Family relationships and connecting with family is very important to you.
I’m so glad that I’ve been able to get to know you so well over the years. We’ve sure become buddies ever since my little family moved to the same town as you nearly 3 years ago. Who would’ve thought that we’d end up living only 3 miles away from each other?! You have so much life and energy, even at 80 years old. You have more energy that a lot of women half your age. You are patient enough to babysit my three kids so that Sam and I can go out on dates. You and I are in the same Stake and enjoy attending Stake Relief Society functions together. I consider our relationship a wonderful blessing in my life. I love you!
Love, Lisa
Untitled from Lisa Ward on Vimeo.
That was really nice of you. Looks like a great party.
Great pictures Lisa. You do lots of fun things with your kids.
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