Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday

1.  A creative mind.  I love being creative.  Whether it's preparing a fun after school snack for my boys, making a craft, or planning a bedroom makeover, I just love the creative process.  My mind gets flooded with creative ideas sometimes and I must stop and empty my brain by jotting down my ideas in a notebook.  
 2.  My sweet three year old, Tyler.  That's right, Tyler has been so sweet this week.  I've given him alot more attention that usual and it sure is paying off.  I love hanging out with my boy.  We've done puzzles, shot some hoops, and took Katie with us to eat lunch with Sam at work.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

So, miss creative, what project are you up to right now???

I think that is so fun to go eat lunch with the hubby!!!