Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday

1.  A New Year.  Last year was awesome but this year will be awesomer!  (By the way, I know awesomer isn't a word.)
2.  Rearranging Our Bedroom.  For the most part, I like change.  I crave it.  Last week, I has having a hard time going to sleep.  In my mind, I was formulating a plan to rearrange our bedroom.  I had to get up and write down what I was thinking about so I wouldn't forget.  After church while Tyler, Katie, and Sam were taking naps, Brian helped me clean, vacuum, and rearrange furniture.  My favorite part of how my room looks now is how our bed is angled in the far right corner.  It makes the room feel more inviting.  I want to find a good headboard to put on the bed so our pillows will quit falling off in the middle of the night. 


The Child Family said...

You and I have the same hobbies :) I too LOVE to rearrange things!!!

Lindsay said...

How about showing us a picture of that.