Tyler is 3 years old now.
Our family of five was together for the whole day. We wore birthday hats the whole morning. After breakfast, we headed downstairs to the toy room. When Tyler opened the door, he looked SO excited. We had balloons all over the floor and his presents on the table. Grandma & Grandpa Hallstrom gave him a play tent.
And we gave him some silly straws, a Thomas Train extention track pack, a shirt that says, "I'm innocent until proven guilty," and the movie, "Monsters Inc." We took the kids out to Firehouse Pizza for lunch. Tyler was happy playing with his train all afternoon. Oh, he did take a break for a bit to decorate the top of his green frosted brownie cake with Christmas M&Ms.
I couldn't imagine our family without this kid. He's a riot and is ALWAYS getting into mischief. I've learned that even being in the bathroom for a couple minutes gives Tyler enough time to find some kind of mess to make. Whether it be squirting out all of the toothpaste and smearing it on the wall or carpet, spilling over half a gallon of milk on my nice couch, or throwing all of the freshly clean and folded laundry up in the air, I sure do love that boy! Spunky is one word to describe Tyler. Another word to describe Tyler is tender-hearted. This boy loves to sneak into Katie's room, climb into her crib, and snuggle, or in Tyler's words, "I like to snug Katie!" He also loves to snuggle up with a blanket and watch Word World on PBS. When Tyler realizes that he's done something naughty, he gets a super sad look on his face, drops his head, and says, "Sorry. Sorry, Mom!" Sometimes that apology is accompanied with a few tears for good measure. When I'm sad he says, "Mom, I want you to be happy."
Tyler has grown up this year. He no longer takes naps (I sure wish he did.) He no longer has reason to have to wear his footy pajamas backwards. And Brian and Tyler are FINALLY good playmates. When I don't try to break up every fight or argument and let them work it out for themselves, they tend to do pretty good on their own. Since Brian's been home from school, my stairs have been covered with blankets, pillows, and couch cushions. They have hours of fun changing up the configurations. Then they ask me, "What's this game called?" And I answer with crazy names like, "Kapozers or Kazookies." So far, nobody has gotten hurt.
Anyway, Tyler had a fun birthday. I hope none of the "terrible two" craziness carries over to this year. WE LOVE YOU, TYLER!
1 comment:
happy birthday tyler! sounds like it was a great day.
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