My sister, Jenny and her husband, Seth came up to visit us on Pioneer Day (July 24th). Of course, they brought the newest member of their family with them, Benjamin!
Ben is almost 3 months old. Look how smiley Ben is :)
Here is Ben reuniting with his cousins, Tyler and Brian.
"How are you, cousin?"
We had a fun time having them here. Sam and Seth went to see the new Batman movie while Jenny and I stayed home with the babies. Grandma Hallstrom came over later that afternoon. We all had dinner together, Seasoned Pork and Rice along with corn and watermelon. And later for dessert, we had homemade chocolate applesause cake. Yum Yum! Then we played outside and went to a nearby park for a very short fireworks show. Jenny's family spent the night. The next day, I did a baby photo shoot of Ben. Later all of us (except for Sam who was at work) went on a walk and then enjoyed our ice cream sundaes at McDonald's. Thanks for coming to see us! Hope to see you all again soon!
So cute.....
I think the Lord made them so adorable so that we would love them even when they just spit up on our last clean shirt.
I miss that age and then I am so glad that I have kids 6 and 10, but each stage is so much better then the last.
Thanks for having us up to visit you guys! It was so much fun. ANd thanks for taking GREAT pictures of our boy. Love ya <3
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