Thursday, November 15, 2012

Two Home Improvements

#1:  This is the fridge that came with our house.  
We were never a fan of this fridge.  
It was smaller than the fridge than we had in any of our apartments.
Not only was it too small, the kids were always getting into the food and changing all the cool settings.

We decided enough was enough.
We sold that old fridge to some local newlywed college students and we upgraded to this:
This fridge is SO.MUCH.BETTER!
It was exactly what we were looking for.
And of course I found the best deal in town and we even got a rebate on it!
I love the filtered water and ice maker.  
Oh, and the sweet deli drawer in the bottom... that's where I store all the kids' snacks.

And I am a fan of the pull out freezer drawer.
It olds lots of food and the top pull out drawer is so nice.

#2:  Music in the kitchen courtesy of the iHome Sam surprised me with last year.  I can't tell you what a difference having music playing in the kitchen lends to a happier mood for our family.  Whether it's the radio, favorite iTune hits, or those educational, yet highly annoying kid songs, we're enjoying ourselves. 
 (I must admit that our iTunes library is really lame.  I'd love to hear what your current favorite songs on iTunes are.  I recognize a lot of awesome songs our there, but the problem is, I don't have any idea what the names of the songs or music artists!  Help a girl out!  Thanks in advance.) 

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