Time Out For Women
Theme: Seek the Good
"And whatsoever ye do, do it HEARTILY..." - Colossians 3:23
Oct. 12-13, 2012
Kent Auditorium on Utah State University Campus
Receiving is essential in this life. Are you receiving the spiritual privileges you are promised?
Michael McLean - musician - WEBSITE
I wrote down some of his lyrics that stood out to me.
"Are we seeking the light that shines within us all?"
"A mission to be happy and rejoice."
"I'm not waiting for tomorrow."
"I'm going to find my joy today."
"I will follow YOU every day."
"God loves me more than anything."
McKenzie Turley sang with Michael
"Dreams provide insight into your own self."
Jason Wright - best selling author of Christmas Jars - WEBSITE
Talked about FAILURE
- The world and adversary make you believe that when you fail, you need to do more, wake up earlier, etc.
- Many times when we fail, we should STOP and LISTEN to what Heavenly Father wants to teach us and learn what He wants us to do.
- For many successful people, success came because they stopped and listened.
- Don't you think Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are homesick for us? There is no failure that will prevent us from having an open armed reunion after this life.
- We are given trials to learn what we need and to prepare us for what trials lie ahead of us in our lives.
- The Atonement compensates for any failure we may have in life.
- Acts 4:10
- We are commanded to do all things "in the name of Jesus Christ."
- 3 Nephi 20:39
- Jesus - Savior; God is help
- Christ - Anointed one; Messiah
- The Son of God - spiritual birth
- The Son of Man - physical birth
- God - Man of Holiness
- The Son of the Blessed - son of Mary (Heavenly Mother)
- Mary is the mother of my Savior
- Jehovah - Jesus' first name
The Bread of Life
The Living Water
- Bethlehem = house of bread from which came the bread of life (Jesus born in Bethlehem)
- How many people in today's world will bow and say that Jesus Christ is their king?
- You are a QUEEN.
- When you feel less than a queen, we are commanded to know Christ's name and He is commanded to know our name.
- The Atonement parted the veil and allows Jesus to peek through.
- God loves us just the way we are, but loves us enough not to leave us this way forever..
- We are his creations and He isn't done with His creative process with us.
- The minute we make covenants with God, a hand is extended (ex. receiving the Holy Ghost and when we are making temple covenants)
- God with us
- He gives us His name, His power, His divine help, His grace
- The Piata (spelling?) is a famous sculpture by Michaelangleo. Mary has Jesus laying across her lap. The artist signed his work.
- When you take the sacrament, He is giving you His name
Oct. 13, 2012
Chris Williams - Here is his story and notes from his talk on HOPE:
- There are trials that are tailor made for you
1. Faith in Jesus Christ - "Let it go." Buck up. Repent.
-Get busy helping/serving others = His yoke of charity. As we give our lives to Jesus Christ, we will glorify him.
-"No I have something better. You're just going to have to have faith."
Jericho Road - musicians - WEBSITE
I wrote down some of what they said and some of their lyrics that stood out to me.
song - Amazing Grace
Abe: intro to song: "As a father of six kids, my kids look to me for protection, love, etc. You too should turn to your Heavenly Father
song - "Like a Child"
- "I want to live my life just like a child."
- Mosiah 3:19
song - "Convictions of the Heart"
- "When you see God's love around you..."
song - "See The Light"
song written by Tyler Castleton (pianist) "The Love of a Woman"
"Don't hide your face."
"It is well with my soul."
song- "Homeward Bound"
Sara Wells and Kate Jones - authors of ourbestbites.com
- Make memories with kids. Enjoy the small things in life.
- showed several pictures and told about the realities of motherhood.
- Mothers need to give themselves a break.
- Nobody's family is perfect so don't compare your family to other families.
D. Kelly Ogden - WEBSITE
- Rinderceller (Cinderella story)
- Do something with all your heart
- SUMMUM BUNUM = "the highest good"
- Enoch = dedicated
- Daniel was 80 years old when he was in the lion's den.
* Your assignment is to change lives. The position you have doesn't matter, just CHANGE LIVES.
- Success is how much good you do.
- You have to first SEE THE GOOD in yourself before you can SEEK THE GOOD.
- Ogden's son-in-law is an amputee and his name is Jarem. You can read Jarem's mormon.org profile here
- Stay away from the dark side and stay within the light.
- Unless you are fully living the gospel, you don't have enough spiritual light.
- Hebrew: Ani Bat Elohim = I am a Child of God
- You are HIS DAUGHTER. HE is the wealthiest and kindest
Merilee Boyak - WEBSITE
- CPR = Caring Plus Response
- Split Second Kindness (ex. telling someone, "Great job."
- 5 Split Seconds a Day Pledge - costs no time and no money
- Matthew 24:40
- The Lord wants us to love. When we give we become more Christlike. You'll feel Christlike love for others and yourself.
- OPEN YOUR EYES TO SEE the needs around you.
- on Merilee's Facebook page, she has a list of things you can do to help/serve others.
- If you can't do anything, you can always pray.
- You can donate money. Consider donating money to LDS Humanitarian Service
- Do something in your own unique way. (ex. make your front porch into a "magic porch" by collecting items for the homeless shelter or other organization)
- one hour of service a month
- "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi
- Lead others in action by invitation
- song - "Love One Another"
- Merilee's testimony - "He lives, He loves, and we can love like He does."
- Time Out For Women Theme - Col. 3:23 - Pick one thing in your life that you can put a little more of your heart in to."
Emily Watts - WEBSITE
- video game - Super Mario Bros. - save the princess (princess is me)
- importance of questions to ask the Holy Ghost
- What is good? Chocolate. Toffee should be available year round, not just Christmas, found her own recipe
Hint #1 - Sometimes good needs a catalyst.
Ask.: What can I do to be a catalyst for good.
Hint #2 - Good doesn't always reside in your comfort zone.
Ugly swim suit story
-If you work too hard to try and stay in your comfort zone, everything will end up around your neck (like her ugly swim suit).
- If you're afraid to take the steps you need to get out of your comfort zone, you won't get anywhere.
Ask: How can I reach outside my comfort zone?
Hint #3 - Good often appears in disguise.
- The year 2011 for the Watts Family is referred to as the "Nightmare Year." Her husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer
Ask: What good might be hidden in this trial?
- All things work together for your good if you walk uprightly.
Hint #4 - Good takes patience
- Genesis 15 - Lord tells Abraham, "I am thy shield."
- Genesis 17 - Covenant to Abraham = Sarah will bare you a son, Isaac.
Ask: How can I increase my trust in the Lord?
- What blessing has been withheld form you? The spirit will tell you, "I will make it up to you."
Hint #5 (The hint that wins the game). Good is primarily other-centered.
-serve others (like Christ did) to become close to Him.
Ask: How can I bless someone else's life for good today?
Thanks again for inviting me, Lauren!
1 comment:
wow! sounds like an unbelievable experience. glad you went and glad you shared. chris wiliiams' story is so powerful.
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